9 Obvious Signs You Are Not the Biological Father

3 May

9 Obvious Signs You Are Not the Biological Father

A paternity test is sure to identify whether there is a blood relation between two human beings. They are highly effective. However, before you even take the test, you may have reasons to question whether your child is your biological relation. That can be a challenging feeling to process. You may have suspicions, a general feeling, or have been provided new information that makes you question whether you are a child’s biological parent.

Whether you are considering a paternity test or awaiting the results, here are some common signs you are not the biological father.

Sign #1: The Birth Timeline Creates Questions

Evaluate the dates, such as the initial due date. The date of birth. When conception likely occurred. Knowing you weren’t near the mother during the assumed conception period is a sign. Understandably, this heightens the likelihood that you are not the biological father and can validate some assumptions. However, remember that a DNA paternity test is needed for confirmation.

Sign #2: Someone’s Brought You New Information

If a family member or friend comes to you with new information about your child’s birth, or if there is reason to doubt the story you believe between you and the mother, this may be a sign a paternity test is needed. While anyone can spread a rumour or make an accusation, even if it feels true, it is still not enough to go on to conclude you aren’t a child’s biological father. You will want more evidence than simply someone’s testimony.

Sign #3: You May Lack A Connection With Your Child

If you have multiple children, you may notice you easily form bonds with everyone except one. You and your child may not be consciously aware of it, but there’s an instinct some men have where they can feel that a child may not be their own. Sometimes, this instinct is right; other times, it’s not. A good way to corroborate this feeling is to undergo a paternity test while pregnant. This alone is not a sign that you are not their biological father.

Sign #4: Your Child Does Not Resemble You By Look

You may not think your child looks like you. While physical features directly result from DNA, not every child resembles their father. Where things get complicated, however, is if there’s a resemblance to the mother’s ex, a past boyfriend, or a friend you know of. This can certainly heighten suspicions that you aren’t the father of the child in question. That said, father-child resemblance, again, shouldn’t be the only thing you use to evaluate paternity.

Sign #5: Specific Physical Characteristics Do Not Align

Beyond facial structures being significantly different, you may also notice specific physical characteristics that are different. For example, your child has blue eyes, but you and your mother have brown eyes. This would indicate a decent chance that the supposed father has blue eyes. While there may be recessive genes that neither biological parent outwardly demonstrates, if many of these physical characteristics add up, that’s a sign.


Sign #6: Your Child Has A Different Blood Type

Blood type can aid in determining paternity. The dominant blood types are A, B, and AB. Meanwhile, type O is a recessive blood type. Dominant blood types can create themselves. However, they cannot produce another dominant blood type. Therefore, if both you and your mother are the same dominant blood type, but your child is a different dominant blood type, this indicates you may not be the biological father.

Sign #7: The Child Exhibits A Completely Different Personality

Another clue that you might not be the father is if the child has a different personality than you or the mother. Personality parts are passed down from parents to children, and all types of personalities exist. If you and your child are not similar and struggle to find things you have in common, it’s not a reason generally, but it may make you doubt there’s a blood relation.

Sign #8: Consult With Your Parent On How Your Child Behaves

You may not recognize yourself in your child, but perhaps one of the people who raised you can provide insight into how alike their behaviour is to how you behaved as a small child. There is no guarantee, but sometimes, this can be reassuring if you doubt whether you are the biological father. Your parents were there when you were growing up; they knew your patterns and behaviours better than you.

Sign #9: Taking a DNA Paternity Test Will Confirm Everything

The best way to get confirmation of whether a child is yours is to take a paternity test. This would provide definitive proof. A paternity test compares your genes to your child’s and provides thorough evidence as to whether you are or are not their biological father. It must be noted that if a paternity test concludes you are the father, even if other signs persist, a paternity test’s result is the only answer that matters.



Alice is the original founder of We Are The In Crowd. Her qualifications include a university degree in psychology and a second degree in marketing. She is currently employed as a Marketing Specialist, which means she gets to analyze trends all day for a living!